Exchange ed Errore 554 5.6.0
Talvolta può capitare che Exchange rifiuti i messaggi in entrata con l’errore #554 5.6.0 STOREDRV.Deliver; Corrupt message content ##rfc822 come mostrato in figura:
Scenario 1
Come specificato nel seguente “554 5.6.0 STOREDRV.Deliver; Corrupt message content” NDR is generated when you send an email message to an Exchange Server 2007 user il problema è causato dal fatto che nel corpo del messaggio contiene un file che non viene riconosciuto come tale:
“This problem occurs when the email message is a multipart/mixed MIME message which contains a text/plain body and an application/applefile body. If the corresponding body is not a real application/applefile body, the Exchange Server 2007 server considers that the email message is invalid. Therefore, it generates the NDR. However, Exchange Server 2010 can deliver this kind of email message successfully.”
Exchange 2010 inoltra ugualmente il messaggio, mentre in Exchange 2007 il problema è stato risolto con l’Update Rollup 1 dell’SP3:
“To resolve this problem, install the following update rollup:
2279665 Description of Update Rollup 1 for Exchange Server 2007 Service Pack 3”
Scenario 2
Vi è però anche il caso in cui un allegato proveniente da un computer Mac viene codificato come base64, mentre Exchange accetta solo allegati codificati in base agli standard RFC e quindi in mac-binhex come descritto in Emails sent from Internet or application generated emails are not delivered to users. They NDR with “#554 5.6.0 STOREDRV.Deliver; Corrupt message content ##”:
“If you check the message headers for the format of the message:
Content-Type: application/mac-binhex40
Content-Transfer-Encoding: base64
You will notice the qualifying line: Content-Transfer-Encoding: base64 for mac-binhex type of document.This indicates that the actual data is base64 encoded.
Since Exchange Server only accepts the RFC standard mac-binhex encoding, these messages are rejected.”
“The sender should be sending the attachment in correctly formatted mac-binhex40 format.
The correctly formatted mac-binhex40 message header should have the following Content lines:
Content-Type: application/mac-binhex40
Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=”example.doc”
Indicating that the document is encoded using the RFC standard mac-binhex40 format.”
Questa casistica viene ulteriormente descritta in questa KB Application-generated email messages or email messages from a user in an external organization generate an NDR that has a 5.6.0 status code when messages are sent to an Exchange Server user.
Nel seguente link EngComp Mac Support > FAQ > FAQ#2 vengono poi dati suggerimenti per la configurazione di Mozilla Thunderbird in ambiente MAC per evitare il rifiuto delle mail con allegato da parte di Exchange 2007:
“This problem occurs because Thunderbird normally sends attachments inline (as part of the message body) instead of as a real attachment. It appears that the 2007 Exchange server interprets this information incorrectly.”
Di seguito la procedura suggerita:
There is a simple way to tell Thunderbird to send all attachments as real attachments, thus fixing the problem of E-mails being returned. To do this, follow the steps below:
1) Open Thunderbird’s Preferences located under ‘Thunderbird’ in the menubar.
2) Once opened, navigate to Advanced (tab) -> General and click on the ‘Config Editor’ button.
3) In the Config Editor, locate the line ‘mail.content_disposition_type’ . There should be a value of ‘0’ next to it, you will need to double-click on the value and enter the value ‘1’.