Windows 10 e novità di Aprile 2018

Aprile 2018 è stato un mese ricco di novità per quanto riguarda Windows 10 con annunci di versioni in End of Life, rilascio della nuova versione e rilascio dei cumulative updates. Di seguito un riepilogo delle novità con particolare attenzione alle implicazioni nella gestione di un’infrastruttura informatica con Windows 10.

10 Aprile 2018 – End of Support della versione 1511 di Windows 10 per le edizioni Enterprise ed Educational

Come avevo discusso nel post Windows 10 1511 sarà supportato fino ad aprile 2018 anche le versioni Enterprise ed Educational di Windows 10 1511 non riceveranno più aggiornamenti dopo il 10 aprile 2018, le altre edizioni ovvero Home e Professional non ricevono più aggiornamenti dal 10 Ottobre 2017

10 Aprile 2018 – End of Support della versione 1607 di Windows 10

Come annunciato il 1 Febbraio 2018 nella KB4076503 – Windows 10, version 1607 Semi-Annual Channel end of support (February 1, 2018) il 10 aprile 2018 Windows 10 versione 1607 Semi-Annual Channel ha raggiunto l’End of Support e quindi non riceverà più security updates per le seguenti edizioni:

  • Windows 10 Home
  • Windows 10 Pro
  • Windows 10 Education
  • Windows 10 Enterprise
  • Windows 10 Enterprise IoT

Per maggior precisione come indicato nella KB13853 – Windows lifecycle fact sheet le versioni Enterprise ed Educational di Windows 10 versione 1511, 1607, 1703 e 1709 riceveranno aggiornamenti per ulteriori 6 mesi, quindi per quanto riguarda Windows 10 1607 fino al 10 Ottobre 2018.

“Enterprise and Education editions for versions 1511, 1607, 1703 and 1709 will receive an additional 6 months of servicing after the end of service date”

In ogni caso oltre all’End of Support del sistema operativo va considerato anche quello del device deciso dall’OEM:

“Note: Not all features in an update will work on all devices. A device may not be able to receive updates if the device hardware is incompatible, lacks current drivers, or is otherwise outside the original equipment manufacturer’s (OEM) support period.”

10 Aprile 2018 – Rilascio Cumulative Updates

Il 10 aprile sono stati rilasciati i seguenti cumulative updates per le seguenti versioni di Windows 10 e per alcuni di essi potrebbe essere necessario prestare particolare attenzione ai Known issues e ai relativi Workaround:

Sistema operativo Known issues Workaround
Windows 10 (initial version released July 2015) – KB4093111 (OS Build 10240.17831)
Windows 10 version 1511 – KB4093109 (OS Build 10586.1540) After installing the March 13, 2018 or later Cumulative Update for Windows 10 version 1511,
only the latest Windows 10 feature update is returned as applicable. This prevents the deployment of previously released feature updates using ConfigMgr (current branch) and Windows 10 servicing plans.
Microsoft recommends that you update to the latest, supported version of Windows 10, the Fall Creators Update (version 1709).
Windows 10 version 1607 and Windows Server 2016 – KB4093119 (OS Build 14393.2189) After installing the March 13, 2018 or later Cumulative Update for Windows 10 version 1607, only the latest Windows 10 feature update is returned as applicable. This prevents the deployment of previously released feature updates using ConfigMgr (current branch) and Windows 10 servicing plans. Decline all feature updates on the WSUS Server(s) except for the one that you want to deploy using ConfigMgr. Run another software update scan cycle from the ConfigMgr control panel (or wait until the client devices perform their next scan).

Microsoft is working on a resolution and will provide an update in an upcoming release.

Windows 10 version 1703 – KB4093107 (OS Build 15063.1029)
Windows 10 version 1709 – KB4093112 (OS Build 16299.371) After applying this update, some users may experience unexpected panning or scrolling in certain apps while using the pen. This issue is resolved in KB4093105.

17 Aprile 2018 – Rilascio Cumulative Updates

Il 17 aprile sono stati rilasciati i seguenti cumulative updates per le seguenti versioni di Windows 10 e per alcuni di essi potrebbe essere necessario prestare particolare attenzione ai Known issues e ai relativi Workaround:

Sistema operativo Known issues Workaround
Windows 10 version 1607 and Windows Server 2016 – KB4093120 (OS Build 14393.2214) After you install the March 13, 2018 or later Cumulative Update for Windows 10 Version 1607, only the latest Windows 10 feature update is returned as applicable. This prevents the deployment of previously released feature updates using ConfigMgr (current branch) and Windows 10 servicing plans. Decline all feature updates on the WSUS servers except for the one that you want to deploy by using ConfigMgr. Run another software update scan cycle from the ConfigMgr control panel (or wait until the client devices run their next scan).

Microsoft is working on a resolution and will provide an update in an upcoming release.

Windows 10 version 1703 – KB4093117 (OS Build 15063.1058)

23 Aprile 2018 – Rilascio Cumulative Updates

Il 23 aprile sono stati rilasciati i seguenti cumulative updates per le seguenti versioni di Windows 10 e per alcuni di essi potrebbe essere necessario prestare particolare attenzione ai Known issues e ai relativi Workaround:

Sistema operativo Known issues Workaround
Windows 10 version 1709 – KB4093105 (OS Build 16299.402) After installing KB4093105, the message, “We couldn’t download Windows Mixed Reality software” may appear on some Windows 10 Mixed Reality devices. Microsoft is working on a resolution and will provide an update in an upcoming release.

30 Aprile – Rilascio di Windows 10 1803

Il 30 Aprile 2018 è stato rilasciato Windows 10 1803 come annunciato nel post What’s new in the Windows 10 April 2018 Update, di seguito un estratto delle novità che di particolare interesse a livello aziendale:

  • Microsoft Edge
    • Mute-a-tab
    • Autofill cards on web forms
    • Clutter-free printing
    • Full-screen reading experience
    • More EPUB book options
    • Grammar tools
    • Fluent Design
    • Microsoft Edge on your phone and tablet
  • Windows Hello – configurazione più semplice
  • Productivity
    • Dictation
    • My People
      • Drag and drop
      • You decide how many contacts to show in the taskbar, up to ten
      • Animations for people in overflow
      • Improving app discoverability
    • Miglioramenti allo Start Menu
    • HDR Video on more Windows PCs with Windows HD Color
  • Accessibility
    • Make your device fit your needs
    • Get text suggestions as you type
    • Click with your eyes
    • Grammar Tools for EPUB books and Reading View
    • Listen to books your way
    • See greater contrast
  • Security
    • Windows Defender Application Guard (WDAG) disponibile anche in Windows 10
    • Windows Defender Security Center Improvements
      • Quick access from the context menu
      • Account Protection Pillar in Windows Defender Security Center
      • Device Security Pillar in Windows Defender Security Center
      • More options for how we notify you
  • Windows 10 in S Mode – disponibile anche per Windows 10 Enterprise
  • Office on Windows
    • OneDrive Files Restore integrated with Windows Defender for expanded ransomware protection
    • Work smarter with AI-powered inking features in Office on Windows
      • Intelligent editing in Word
      • Power to your point
      • OneNote Math Assistant
      • Sign in to Office, Sign in to Microsoft

Per ulteriori informazioni si vedano anche l’articolo Windows 10 Insider Preview (RS4) Recap, cosa troveremo nella versione 1803 di Vito Macina (Microsft MVP per Windows and Devices for IT) pubblicato su

Gli Administrative Templates per Windows 10 1803 sono disponibili al seguente Administrative Templates (.admx) for Windows 10 April 2018 Update (1803), mentre i Remote Server Administration Tools per Windows 10 1803 sono disponibili al seguente Remote Server Administration Tools for Windows 10.

Oltre alle nuove funzioni introdotte durante il deploy delle nuove versioni di Windows 10 occorre anche prestare particolare attenzione alle funzionalità rimosse o deprecate, al seguente Features removed or planned for replacement starting with Windows 10, version 1803 è possibile trovare l’elenco per Windows 10 1803.

Di seguito le funzionalità rimosse in Windows 10 1803 di particolare interesse a livello aziendale:

Funzionalità Funzionalità alternativa
Language control in the Control Panel Use the Settings app to change your language settings
HomeGroup We are removing HomeGroup but not your ability to share printers, files, and folders.

When you update to Windows 10, version 1803, you won’t see HomeGroup in File Explorer, the Control Panel, or Troubleshoot (Settings > Update & Security > Troubleshoot). Any printers, files, and folders that you shared using HomeGroup will continue to be shared.

Instead of using HomeGroup, you can now share printers, files and folders by using features that are built into Windows 10:

– Share your network printer

– Share files in File Explorer

XPS Viewer We’re changing the way you get XPS Viewer. In Windows 10, version 1709 and earlier versions, the app is included in the installation image. If you have XPS Viewer and you update to Windows 10, version 1803, there’s no action required. You’ll still have XPS Viewer.

However, if you install Windows 10, version 1803, on a new device (or as a clean installation), you may need to install XPS Viewer from Apps and Features in the Settings app or through Features on Demand. If you had XPS Viewer in Windows 10, version 1709, but manually removed it before updating, you’ll need to manually reinstall it.

Di seguito le funzionalità non più in sviluppo e quindi deprecate in Windows 10 1803 di particolare interesse a livello aziendale:

Funzionalità Funzionalità alternativa
Software Restriction Policies in Group Policy Instead of using the Software Restriction Policies through Group Policy, you can use AppLocker or Windows Defender Application Control to control which apps users can access and what code can run in the kernel.
Offline symbol packages (Debug symbol MSIs) We’re no longer making the symbol packages available as a downloadable MSI. Instead, the Microsoft Symbol Server is moving to be an Azure-based symbol store. If you need the Windows symbols, connect to the Microsoft Symbol Server to cache your symbols locally or use a manifest file with SymChk.exe on a computer with internet access.
Windows Help Viewer (WinHlp32.exe) All Windows help information is available online. The Windows Help Viewer is no longer supported in Windows 10. If for any reason you see an error message about “help not supported,” possibly when using a non-Microsoft application, read this support article for additional information and any next steps.
Contacts feature in File Explorer We’re no longer developing the Contacts feature or the corresponding Windows Contacts API. Instead, you can use the People app in Windows 10 to maintain your contacts.
Phone Companion Use the Phone page in the Settings app. In Windows 10, version 1709, we added the new Phone page to help you sync your mobile phone with your PC. It includes all the Phone Companion features.
IPv4/6 Transition Technologies (6to4, ISATAP, and Direct Tunnels) Layered Service Providers have been deprecated since Windows 8 and Windows Server 2012. Use the Windows Filtering Platform instead. Installed Layered Service Providers are not migrated when you upgrade to Windows 10, version 1803; you’ll need to re-install them after upgrading.
Business Scanning, also called Distributed Scan Management (DSM) The Scan Management functionality was introduced in Windows 7 and enabled secure scanning and the management of scanners in an enterprise. We’re no longer investing in this feature, and there are no devices available that support it.

Per quanto riguarda le funzionalità rimosse o deprecate delle versioni precedenti di Windows 10 si vedano: