Macchine virtuali e licenze OEM
Una domanda che di tanto in tanto viene fuori nelle discussioni sui forum di e su quelli Microsoft è se è possibile utilizzare le licenze OEM nelle macchine virtuali?
La risposta è si se la VM viene seguita sullo stesso hardware per cui è stata rilasciata la licenza OEM.
A conferma si veda il seguente il thread OEM License under Hyper-V nei forum Microsoft:
“I spoke with an MS Licensing specialist and he states the per the OEM EULA, you have the right to operate the OEM license as a physical or virtual server provided it stays on the same machine that the OEM License is on.”
Inoltre come riportato nel post May I move an OEM license for Windows to a virtual machine? di John Howard Senior Program Manager del team di Hyper-V avendo la Software Assurance è anche possibile spostare la licenza OEM su hardware differente, possibilità che diventa decisamente importate in situazioni in cui si desidera utilizzare la Quick Migration o la Live Migration.
Q: May I move an OEM license for Windows to a virtual machine?
A: You may not transfer original equipment manufacturer (OEM) server licenses from the original computer to a different computer. Any Microsoft Windows Server license acquired preinstalled with a new computer from a computer manufacturer is tied to the computer on which the licensed software is first installed. This applies to the initial copy installed on the computer as well as any subsequent copies licensed to run with virtual machine software. However, if you have acquired Software Assurance for this preinstalled license, you receive the rights associated with the Volume License program, including license reassignment. At this point, you would be able to move that license and Software Assurance from one computer to another, including a VM.
La Software Assurance, infatti è collegabile anche a licenze OEM a patto che la si acquisca entro 90 giorni dall’acquisto della licenza OEM. A riguardo si veda Frequently Asked Questions About Product Licensing:
Can I add SA to an OEM/Retail product license?
Yes, you can attach standalone SA coverage in this case but only within 90 days after you purchase an OEM/Retail (FPP – Full Packaged Product) product license. This option is only available for particular products through particular Volume Licensing Programs.
Va però specificato che la Software Assurance garantisce la possibilità di spostare le licenze, ma la riassegnazione può essere eseguita solo ogni 90 giorni.
In our company we have onsite contractors who work on short-term projects. Can we assign Microsoft product licenses (Office, CALs, etc.) which we purchased through our own Volume Licensing agreement to these contractor-owned devices so they use our licensed software for our projects?
Yes, as long as those licenses are used for the benefit of your company, the licensee, you can assign your licenses to third party devices.
You are limited in how often you can assign your licenses. Volume Licensing product licenses can only be reassigned to other devices every 90 days, not more frequently. If the software will be used for the benefit of the contractors and not your organization then the contractor needs to purchase their own licenses or optionally explore other types of short-term software subscription licenses.
Per ulteriori informazioni si vedano anche: