Windows 7 e Windows 2008 R2 Hotfix per risolvere problemi di connessione a share di rete

In questo post Windows Server 2008 R2: Connessione a share di rete impossibile avevo descritto una problematica che mi si presentava alla connessione ad una share di rete su Windows 2003 R2 Sp2 da parte di un server RDS in ambiente Windows Server 2008 R2.

In particolare la problematica era la seguente:

Al tentativo di eseguire il NET USE tramite il nome NetBIOS viene restituito l’errore System error 53 has occurred. “The network path was not found”. Quando si verifica questo problema specificando in modo diverso il path della share per esempio tramite nome DNS o IP non si hanno errori, ma il problema non dipende da come si specifica il path infatti utilizzando il nome DNS il problema si presenta comunque e questa volta non si avranno errori usando il nome NETBIOS o l’indirizzo IP. Ovviamente anche specificando l’indirizzo IP saltuariamente si presenta il disservizio restituendo l’errore System error 59 has occurred. “An unexpected network error occurred.”

Il 24 Agosto Microsoft ha rilasciato un hotfix scaricabile e descritta nel seguente You cannot access a remote server that shares files and printers by using the SMB protocol from a computer that is running Windows Server 2008 R2 or Windows 7 che si applica alo scenario descritto:

Consider the following scenario:

  • Multiple users log on to a computer that is running Windows Server 2008 R2 or Windows 7. These users use this computer to access a remote server that shares files and printers by using the Server Message Block (SMB) protocol.
  • You log on to the computer to access the server.
  • The connection between the computer and the server is timed out after the connection stays in an inactive status for a long time. Or, the connection fails because of a network error.
  • You try to reestablish the connection from the computer by using the name of the server.

In this scenario, you may be unable to reestablish the connection. Additionally, you receive the following error message:

Error code: 0x80070035
The network path was not found.


  • When this issue occurs, you can still access the server by using another naming convention of the server.
  • For example, you can access the server by using the fully qualified domain name (FQDN). Or, you can use the IP address if you cannot access the server by using the short name.
    If you collect a network trace when you try to access the server, you find that there is no traffic to the server

L’hotfix va richiesta e sarà contenuta nell’SP1 di Windows 7 e Windows Server 2008 R2 (ciò significa che il problema può verificarsi su entrambi i S.O.) e sostituisce il file Mrxsmb10.sys responsabile del malfunzionamento:

This issue occurs because of an error in the Mrxsmb10.sys driver.
The Mrxsmb10.sys driver specifies a logon ID the first time that a connection is established to a remote server  that shares files and printers by using the SMB protocol. The logon ID and the name of the server are saved in a server entry of the SMB Redirector. For example, the logon ID and one of the following server names that you use to establish the connection are saved:   

  • Short name
  • IP address
  • FQDN

However, the Mrxsmb10.sys driver does not update the logon ID after the user who used the logon ID logs off. Therefore, any attempt to use the name from the first connection fails regardless of the user name