Virtual Server 2005 R2 link e considerazioni

Di seguitouna raccolta di suggerimenti utili estrapolati dal seguente Best practices for Virtual Server

  • Disable hyper-threading technology
    Under heavy computing workloads, hyper-threading technology, which allows a single processor to appear as two processors, may cause poor server performance. Because workload is dynamic and can vary quickly, we recommended disabling hyper-threading on the physical server to prevent this potential problem.
  • Disable host time synchronization when running a domain controller inside a virtual machine
    You should not enable host time synchronization on a virtual machine that is configured as a domain controller. You should instead use an external source for time synchronization.
  • Do not use the VMRC client over a Terminal Services connection
    You may experience poor mouse control if you attempt to use Terminal Services to access the host operating system and then use the Virtual Machine Remote Control (VMRC) client to access a guest operating system. You can, however, use Terminal Services to access the guest operating system directly, provided the guest operating system supports Terminal Services.
    Virtual Server is not a replacement for Terminal Services. The VMRC client does not operate in the same manner as Terminal Services or Remote Desktop because multiple users can use the VMRC client to connect to the same virtual machine, and each user can access the guest operating system without the knowledge of the other users. This is by design for training and lab scenarios where one user wants to demonstrate a task to other users who are connected to the same remote session. If you want exclusive access to a virtual machine, then you should connect to it by using Terminal Services or Remote Desktop rather than the VMRC client.
  • Understand the implications of using Virtual Server with Virtual PC
    SCSI support: Virtual Server provides SCSI support while Virtual PC does not. If you create a virtual machine with virtual SCSI disks on Virtual Server, the SCSI disks will be ignored if you move the virtual machine to Virtual PC. This can lead to negative consequences in many situations, for example if the virtual machine page file is on the SCSI disk or if you are trying to use a SCSI disk as the startup disk. If you plan to regularly move virtual hard disks between machines created with Virtual PC and Virtual Server, we recommend that you attach the virtual hard disks only to a virtual IDE bus in Virtual Server.

Per quanto riguarda il monitoraggio delle performance si faccia rifermento al seguente Monitoring performance for Virtual Server.

Per considerazioni sul miglioramento delle performance si vedano Improving performance e Optimizing virtual hard disks.

Per un elenco di problemi comuni con relativa soluzione si veda Troubleshooting for Virtual Server.

Per le impostazioni di sicurezza di default e possibili vulnerabilità si veda Virtual Server security.